Here are some things you can do during quarantine to get busy!
COVID-19 has definitely changed our world. People, for the most part, have been socially distancing themselves for about a month or so, in their houses, whether they got let off from their job, are WFH (working from home), taking school online, etc.
I, personally, am not working at my job right now, but I am still doing my internship from home and taking classes remotely for my last semester of college, sadly. With my internship, it is quite easy to work from home, and also because I was already taking two of my college classes online,I did not have a hard transition to classes being online.
Still, I am having a hard time making sense of it all, as you probably are too. This virus has taken many lives of people close to me ,or not, and cancelled/postponed a lot of events that I was looking forward to including concerts, my last semester of college activities, and just precious time with my friends and family.
I have been trying to keep myself busy everyday, but it just gets hard sometimes when you don't have the motivation to do anything but think. I hope this post will help you get up and try to do something new!
I have put together a list of things to do to try to motivate me (and hopefully you) to get busy, ENJOY!
1. Crafts
2. Binge watch a show (I'm on my fourth already...)
3. Pop open a bottle of wine, make some popcorn, and watch a movie (New or Old)
4. Video chat with your friends, family, etc.
5. Have a picnic in your backyard
6. Clean your car
7. Play dress up
8. Workout
9. Camp in your backyard
10. Clean your room
11. Cook and/or bake
12. Learn a new language
13. Learn how to play an instrument
14. Play video games/ board game
15. Treat Yo Self Day (face mask, bath, wine, order clothes, order take out/etc.)
16. Start something you've always wanted to do but didn't have the time (YouTube channel, Podcast, blog, book, Instagram account)
17. Netflix Party!
18. Find new music to obsess over
19. Read books/magazines/ etc.
20. Adventure outside (while keeping your distance)
21. Support your local food businesses that are open
22. Go through your closet for clothes to donate
23. Foster a dog/cat
24. Make a TikTok
25. Watch a new YouTube Channel