With many offices closing in-person work and meetings to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, many of us have found ourselves #WFH (Working From Home). I feel that WFH is both a curse and a blessing! Some of the perks include being able to sleep in a little longer, keeping your pajamas on (or at least pajama pants with a nice top), and not having to drive and waste gas to get to your office. Some of the downsides include getting distracted from your work and not having the right quiet space to get your work done.
As the world changes, homes are now being built and designed smarter to have office areas/rooms available for both adults at work and/or kids for school. Also with being forced to work from home, many companies have seen that it is easier and better for the environment to work at home, with reduced gas pollution, cheaper utility bills, and more advanced technology meaning less and less paper. Yes, it can be tricky to figure out a communication strategy, but since we have now been working from home for almost 10 months, many companies are getting the hang of it and communicating much better. I personally would love a half and half week, still being able to go in 1-2 says so I can see my coworkers in person and dress nice for the day, but also having some days at home, knowing I don’t need to drive, be in traffic, and waste time in my day
If you are currently or have to start working from home soon, here are some tips to creating a pleasant work space and getting your work done efficiently.
Good lighting
Not particularly in any order, the first tip is to make sure you have good lighting for your work meetings and/or classes. I prefer natural light instead of a lamp or room light so I have my desk set up in front of a window. Also, having a blank/neutral background is a good idea too to be more professional in a meeting. Good lightning also helps you to start your day and be awake, since being at home wont be the same as being at work. You also want to make sure you can read and see what you‘re doing and not hurt your eyes. I also suggest investing in blue light glasses that helps with staring at a computer screen all day, as well as your phone and maybe laptop at night.
2. Add your own style
On my desk, I have a candle, some flowers in a vase, pens in a jar, and a lamp. (All pink of course) I also have my laptop on there and drawers where I keep my makeup, since I use my desk to get ready too. With adding some decor and office supplies nearby, it creates a pleasant space of your own that you enjoy actually being at and makes the work day a little bit better.
3. Stay clear of your bedroom
If you can, try to make your work space somewhere else in your house besides your bedroom. I unfortunately did not have any other room to work in, but it will be less tempting to crawl back to bed if you are in another room. Most days, I’ve tried to work from my desk, but sometimes I just grab my laptop and work from my bed....it just depends on the day and where you’re comfortable. It’s also really good to make sure you have a comfortable chair, since you will be sitting there for a long period of time. I’m currently looking to buy a new chair because the one I have now isn’t the comfiest and doesn't match my room.
4. Be organized
My favorite tip of all time for literally anything, BE ORGANIZED! Make sure you have pens or pencils handy, as well as notes or notepads that you will need for the work day. Some other things you might need include headphones, your laptop charger, water and coffee to get through the day, and any paperwork or notes you have for your job. Also make sure your computer desktop is organized with appropriate folders and trash anything that may be cluttering your desktop that you don’t need. It’s also a really good idea to bookmark any websites that you use daily. All these little things will make your work day a little bit easier and more efficient, trust me!
5. Laptop vs. Desktop
This is one thing I struggled with in the beginning of working from home. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to work from my laptop or a desktop. I had a Lenevo laptop so it did not have the features of a Mac that my job used so luckily they had a desktop I could bring home and use instead. I loved the big screen so much, especially with the social media calendars and designs I have to create, but of course a desktop is not mobile friendly. I couldn’t just take it on the bed with me or outside on a nice day to work. Sometimes I would try to work from both my desktop and laptop, but it got tricky with files being on one computer and not the other. I was able to get a Mac laptop to work on also, and I highly recommend a laptop vs. a desktop. While I love the big screen and hate to not have it, a laptop is way easier to carry around, whether I want to work from my bed, outside on a nice day, a coffee shop, or simply just another room in my house if I got bored of the one I was in.
These are my tips for working from home, and I hope they help. If you have any other tips, I would love to hear them!
Happy #WFH